The FWLS 2023 selection committee has selected this year’s finalists – see the shortlist below:
- Dheanda Absharina (University of Szeged): Breaking the Wall of Phytoremediation of Wastewater
- Peter Anthony (Comenius University Bratislava): Breaking the Wall of Malware Detection
- Paulína Belvončíková (Comenius University Bratislava): Breaking the Wall of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation
- Marek Buran (Slovak Academy of Sciences): Breaking the Wall of Superconductor Cooling
- Samuel Kendra (Comenius University Bratislava): Breaking the Wall of Microbial Biofilms
- Aleksandra Lavrikova (Comenius University Bratislava): Breaking the Wall of Antimicrobial Resistance
- Peter Lesko (Comenius University Bratislava): Breaking the Wall of Estimating Disease Recurrence in Stage I Germ Cell Tumours
- Kristína Macáková (Comenius University Bratislava): Breaking the Wall of Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Zuzana Országhová (Comenius University Bratislava): Breaking the Wall of Cognitive Dysfunction
- Jairo Peralta (Comenius University Bratislava): Breaking the Wall of Liquid Analysis: LIBSLev
- Zuzana Tirpáková (University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice, Terasaki Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Los Angeles, CA, USA): Breaking the Wall of Chemoembolizing Assays
- Jaroslav Valovčan (Comenius University Bratislava): Breaking the Wall of Seismic Wave Modelling
We are looking forward to their exciting 3-minutes / 3-slides pitches at the FWLS 2023 finale on 21st September 2023, starting at 15:00.