Falling Walls Lab Slovakia (FWLS) 2018 knows its winners! After the presentations of 16 finalists that took place on May 31, 2018, our distinguished jury has selected three winners. The 1st place and the ticket to the international Berlin FWL finale and the Falling Walls conference has been awarded to Lucia Laukova of Comenius University in Bratislava for Breaking the wall of sepsis by offering an innovative approach to reduce the concentration of extracellular DNA. The second place and an option to visit the FWL finale and Falling Walls conference as an observer has been awarded to Marek Schnitzer from Technical University of Kosice for Breaking the wall of 3D printing in medicine. The third place has been awarded to Katarina Jansakova of Comenius University in Bratislava for Breaking the wall of diagnostics using saliva. The FWLS 2018 was organized under the auspices of Ing. Peter Pellegrini, the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, who participated at the event during all presentations of our finalists as well as the award ceremony. We gratefully thank to all participants for their efforts, to our co-organizers and partners for their support and to all guests who contributed to an inspiring atmosphere in the Moyzes Hall.
For the official press release by Comenius Unviersity in Bratislava please click here.
Pictures from the event are available in the gallery or on Comenius University in Bratislava official Facebook profile.